Saying “Yes” to the Ring: 5 of Your Most Pressing Questions Answered



Fall/Winter 2016

What advice do you have on choosing the right metal and stone?

You have to actually put the jewelry on. Some metal colors are more complimentary to skin tones than others. Don’t worry about what’s in style, because the trend will change soon after you own yours. The same applies to diamonds; you just have to look at the different shapes and see what speaks to you.

—Randy Harris, Store Manager of Shreve and Co.

Is there a guideline on how much to spend on an engagement ring?

In the 1980s, De Beers Jewelry came out with a guideline that you should spend two months’ salary, but we never bring that up in our stores. We ask couples what budget makes sense for them and then pair rings and a center diamond for that budget.

—David Rogoway, President of LaRog Brothers

A variety of ring metals Photo: Shreve & Co

Is it important to buy insurance on your ring?

We recommend adding a rider to your insurance for any ring valued over $3,000. Many people figure that if they never take the ring off, then they can’t lose it, making insurance unnecessary. The sad truth is that accidents and damages happen, especially if you are wearing your rings 24/7.

—Eve Celsi, Manager of Maloy’s Jewelry Workshop

What’s the process of designing a custom ring?

Don’t let the word “custom” overwhelm you; this does not mean “expensive.” If you happen to like the stone on one ring and the setting on another, you can make your perfect engagement ring. The custom-design process includes a consultation detailing style, metal choice and quality of materials, followed by a price quote. Your jeweler will share their expertise to further refine your design and guide you to balance beauty and functionality to ensure your ring fits your lifestyle.

—Noha Kassab, Marketing and Creative Director of Kassab Jewelers

Should you always match your band to the engagement ring?

Not every band has to match or fit perfectly together. We are seeing multiple wedding bands creating a stackable look, which can be a bit more eclectic. We have made rings with as many as five bands.

—Rick Mahler, Owner of Packouz Jewelers

LaRog’s diamond halo ring; Photo: Coast Diamond / Laisay Bond